Die R+H-Produkte von A wie Automatikspritzanlagen bis W wie Wasseraufbereitung. Innovativ, wirtschaftlich und umweltfreundlich.
Range + Heine GmbH
Lise-Meitner-Str. 3
71364 Winnenden
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The patented coolac®-overspray recovery can also be applied for low quantities of paint, it is both efficient and saves paint. It is suited for water-based, incombustible coating substances and allows for a homogeneous recovery of overspray during spray coating. With coolac®, material cost can be reduced by 30 to 40 per cent and operating expenses by up to 70 per cent.
The overspray from water-based paints condenses on the coolac®-system wall arranged behind the workpiece. The wall is cooled down to a temperature below dewpoint. The condensation film forming on the surface prevents the paint from drying. Once a specific thickness has been reached, the overspray runs down the coolac®-system wall and flows directly into the paint collection containers. A change of paint requires that the coolac®-system wall is stripped off.
For optimum results, this way of recovery requires a relative humidity of the surrounding air of 50 to 60 per cent.
The coolac®-process can be applied for
Overspray separation using the patented coolac®-system. The quickest changes of paint are possible by means of a 180°-turn of the Tandem-coolac® unit. Tandem-coolac® allows for a homogeneous recovery with separate paint collection containers.
This system is generally used in automatic spraying boothes.